Die Siedler 7 2010

Princess Zoé of the Kingdom of Kuron is charged by her father, King Konradin, with putting down a coup in the neighbouring Kingdom of Tandria, where the Tandrian king, Balderus, has been forced into exile. Making her way through T...

Tutti i titoli
  • DE: Die Siedler 7 Die Siedler 7
  • AT: Die Siedler 7 Die Siedler 7
  • FR: The Settlers 7: A l'Aube d'un Nouveau Royaume The Settlers 7: A l'Aube d'un Nouveau Royaume
  • DE: Die Siedler 7 Die Siedler 7
  • IT: The Settlers 7: La Strada Verso il Regno The Settlers 7: La Strada Verso il Regno
  • PL: The Settlers 7: Droga do Królestwa The Settlers 7: Droga do Królestwa
  • RU: The Settlers 7: Право на трон The Settlers 7: Право на трон
  • CH: Die Siedler 7 Die Siedler 7
  • DE: The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom
Data di rilascio 25 Mar 2010
Link IMDb
